


1.1 我们收集和使用个人信息的原则

1.2 我们收集和使用个人信息的目的
1.2.1 注册、登录与认证
1.2.2 账号管理
1.2.3 浏览、搜索行情信息
1.2.4 开户和理财
1.2.5 用户服务
1.2.6 安全运行

2.1 Cookie
为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您使用未来证券产品或服务时,我们可能会通过采用各种技术收集和存储您访问未来证券服务的相关数据,在您访问或再次访问未来证券服务时,我们能识别您的身份,并通过分析数据为您提供更好更多的服务,包括使用小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做是为了解您的使用习惯,帮您省去重复输入账户信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全。这些数据文件可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,或您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地储存(统称“Cookie”)。我们不会将 Cookie 用于本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除Cookie。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止Cookie 的功能。但如果您这么做,在某些情况下您可能无法使用依赖于cookies的未来证券服务的部分功能,则需要在每一次访问我们的网站时亲自更改用户设置。
2.2 网站信标和像素标签
除Cookie 外,我们还可能在网站上使用网站信标和像素标签等其他同类技术。例如,我们向您发送的电子邮件可能含有链接至我们网站内容的点击URL。如果您点击该链接,我们则会跟踪此次点击,帮助我们了解您的产品或服务偏好并改善客户服务。网站信标通常是一种嵌入到网站或电子邮件中的透明图像。借助于电子邮件中的像素标签,我们能够获知电子邮件是否被打开。
2.3 Do Not Track(请勿追踪)
很多网络浏览器均设有Do Not Track 功能,该功能可向网站发布Do Not Track 请求。目前,主要互联网标准组织尚未设立相关政策来规定网站应如何应对此类请求。但如果您的浏览器启用了Do Not Track,那么我们会尊重您的选择。

3.1 共享
3.1.1 服务提供商
3.1.2 广告合作伙伴
3.1.3 政府、公共部门、监管、司法和执法机构或当局
3.2 转让
3.3 公开披露
3.4 共享、转让、公开披露个人信息时事先征得授权同意的例外


5.1 作为一家香港持牌机构,根据香港相关法律法规规定及相应监管机构的要求,您的个人信息将会被储存于我们经香港相关监管机构认可及备案的储存地点,并依法对这些信息进行严格保密。我们同时会遵守所有相适应的中华人民共和国和香港特别行政区的所有相关法律法规规定。如部分情形下需要向境外机构传输境内收集的相关用户个人信息的,我们会按照法律、行政法规和相关监管部门的规定执行,并通过签订协议、现场核查等有效措施,要求境外机构为所获得的您的个人信息保密。
5.2 一般而言,我们仅为实现本隐私政策所述目的所必需的最短期限内保留您的个人信息,除非经您另行同意延长保留期或其他依法得到允许的情形。在下列情况下,我们有可能因需符合法律要求,更改个人信息的储存时间:

6.1 访问个人信息
6.1.1 访问头像、昵称、二维码、性别、个人简介:
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“个人信息”;
4) 进行信息查询访问。
6.1.2 访问手机号、邮箱、登录设备管理、登录历史、登录密码:
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“账号与安全”;
4) 进行信息查询访问。
6.2 更正个人信息
6.2.1 更改头像、昵称等信息
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“个人信息”
4) 进行更正操作。
6.2.2 更改手机号、邮箱、登录密码:
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“账号与安全”;
4) 进行更正操作。
6.3 管理相机、相册、麦克风、日历系统权限
6.3.1 权限使用场景
6.3.2 撤回使用同意
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“隐私”;
6.4 注销账号
6.4.1 注销未来证券平台账号
1) 进入未来证券后,点击“我的”;
2) 点击“设置”;
3) 点击“账号与安全”;
4) 点击“注销账号”;
5) 联系未来证券在线客服注销账号
6.5 功能建议回馈
2) 点击“功能建议”,填写相关建议和/或上传相关图片;
3) 点击右上方“继续”,选择问题所属类别;
4) 点击“提交”即可。



9.1 您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能向您发送电子邮件、短信、信息或推送通知。您可以按照我们的相关提示,在设备上选择取消订阅。
9.2 我们可能在必要时(例如,因系统维护而暂停某一项服务时)向您发出与服务有关的公告。您可能无法取消这些与服务有关、性质不属于广告的公告。



12.1 除我们明确说明需适用我们其他特别制定的单独隐私政策或条款的服务外,本政策适用于您使用的未来证券提供的全部服务。但某些服务已根据需要设定其特定的隐私指引/声明,如本政策与特定服务的隐私指引/声明有不一致之处,请以该特定隐私指引/声明为准。
12.2 本政策所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本政策涵义解释的依据。

客服电话:(香港)852-3678 2920


本隱私政策將説明您瞭解以下內容: 一、我們如何收集和使用您的個人資訊


1.1 我們收集和使用個人資訊的原則

1.2 我們收集和使用個人資訊的目的
1.2.1 註冊、登錄與認證
1.2.2 帳號管理
1.2.3 流覽、搜索行情資訊
1.2.4 開戶和理財
1.2.5 使用者服務
1.2.6 安全運行

2.1 Cookie
為使您獲得更輕鬆的訪問體驗,您使用未來證券產品或服務時,我們可能會通過採用各種技術收集和存儲您訪問未來證券服務的相關資料,在您訪問或再次訪問未來證券服務時,我們能識別您的身份,並通過分析資料為您提供更好更多的服務,包括使用小型資料檔案識別您的身份,這麼做是為瞭解您的使用習慣,幫您省去重複輸入帳戶資訊的步驟,或者説明判斷您的帳戶安全。這些資料檔案可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,或您的流覽器或關聯應用程式提供的其他本地儲存(統稱“Cookie”)。我們不會將 Cookie 用於本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根據自己的偏好管理或刪除Cookie。您可以清除電腦上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分網路流覽器都設有阻止Cookie 的功能。但如果您這麼做,在某些情況下您可能無法使用依賴于cookies的未來證券服務的部分功能,則需要在每一次訪問我們的網站時親自更改用戶設置。
2.2 網站信標和圖元標籤
除Cookie 外,我們還可能在網站上使用網站信標和圖元標籤等其他同類技術。例如,我們向您發送的電子郵件可能含有連結至我們網站內容的點擊URL。如果您點擊該連結,我們則會跟蹤此次點擊,説明我們瞭解您的產品或服務偏好並改善客戶服務。網站信標通常是一種嵌入到網站或電子郵件中的透明圖像。借助於電子郵件中的圖元標籤,我們能夠獲知電子郵件是否被打開。
2.3 Do Not Track(請勿追蹤)
很多網路流覽器均設有Do Not Track 功能,該功能可向網站發佈Do Not Track 請求。目前,主要互聯網標準組織尚未設立相關政策來規定網站應如何應對此類請求。但如果您的流覽器啟用了Do Not Track,那麼我們會尊重您的選擇。

3.1 共用
3.1.1 服務提供者
3.1.2 廣告合作夥伴
3.1.3 政府、公共部門、監管、司法和執法機構或當局
3.2 轉讓
3.3 公開披露
3.4 共用、轉讓、公開披露個人資訊時事先征得授權同意的例外


5.1 作為一家香港持牌機構,根據香港相關法律法規規定及相應監管機構的要求,您的個人資訊將會被儲存於我們經香港相關監管機構認可及備案的儲存地點,並依法對這些資訊進行嚴格保密。我們同時會遵守所有相適應的中華人民共和國和香港特別行政區的所有相關法律法規規定。如部分情形下需要向境外機構傳輸境內收集的相關使用者個人資訊的,我們會按照法律、行政法規和相關監管部門的規定執行,並通過簽訂協定、現場核查等有效措施,要求境外機構為所獲得的您的個人資訊保密。
5.2 一般而言,我們僅為實現本隱私政策所述目的所必需的最短期限內保留您的個人資訊,除非經您另行同意延長保留期或其他依法得到允許的情形。在下列情況下,我們有可能因需符合法律要求,更改個人資訊的儲存時間:

6.1 訪問個人資訊
6.1.1 訪問頭像、昵稱、二維碼、性別、個人簡介:
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“個人資訊”;
4) 進行資訊查詢訪問。
6.1.2 訪問手機號、郵箱、登錄設備管理、登錄歷史、登錄密碼:
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“帳號與安全”;
4) 進行資訊查詢訪問。
6.2 更正個人資訊
6.2.1 更改頭像、昵稱等信息
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“個人資訊”
4) 進行更正操作。
6.2.2 更改手機號、郵箱、登錄密碼:
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“帳號與安全”;
4) 進行更正操作。
6.3 管理相機、相冊、麥克風、日曆系統許可權
6.3.1 許可權使用場景
6.3.2 撤回使用同意
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“隱私”;
6.4 註銷帳號
6.6.1 註銷未來證券平臺帳號
1) 進入未來證券後,點擊“我的”;
2) 點擊“設置”;
3) 點擊“帳號與安全”;
4) 點擊“註銷帳號”;
5) 聯繫未來證券線上客服註銷帳號
6.5 功能建議回饋
2) 點擊“功能建議”,填寫相關建議和/或上傳相關圖片;
3) 點擊右上方“繼續”,選擇問題所屬類別;
4) 點擊“提交”即可。



9.1 您在使用我們的服務時,我們可能向您發送電子郵件、短信、資訊或推送通知。您可以按照我們的相關提示,在設備上選擇取消訂閱。
9.2 我們可能在必要時(例如,因系統維護而暫停某一項服務時)向您發出與服務有關的公告。您可能無法取消這些與服務有關、性質不屬於廣告的公告。



12.1 除我們明確說明需適用我們其他特別制定的單獨隱私政策或條款的服務外,本政策適用於您使用的未來證券提供的全部服務。但某些服務已根據需要設定其特定的隱私指引/聲明,如本政策與特定服務的隱私指引/聲明有不一致之處,請以該特定隱私指引/聲明為准。
12.2 本政策所有條款的標題僅為閱讀方便,本身並無實際涵義,不能作為本政策涵義解釋的依據。

客服電話:(香港)852-3678 2920

Privacy Policy

Your trust is extremely important to us, and we deeply understand the significance of personal information to you. We will adhere to legal and regulatory requirements, take appropriate security measures, and strive to ensure the safety and controllability of your personal information. Consequently, "Future Securities Limited" and its service providers operating under Future Securities Limited (referred to as "we" or "us") have formulated this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") and would like to remind you:
This Policy applies to all products and services of Future Securities that you use in any manner. Please read this Policy carefully and thoroughly understand it before using Future Securities products or services. By using Future Securities products or services, you fully understand and agree to this Policy.
Unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws in your region, "personal information" in this Policy refers to all information recorded electronically or by other means that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person, excluding information that has been anonymized. We will use this information in compliance with this Policy.
If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions regarding the content of this Policy, you can contact us through the contact details provided in this Policy.
This Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:
1.How we collect and use your personal information
2.How we use cookies and similar technologies
3.How we share, transfer, and disclose your personal information
4.How we protect your personal information
5.How we store information
6.Your rights to manage your own information
7.How we protect the information of minors
8.How your personal information is transferred globally
9.Information we may send to you
10.Information you share
11.How this Policy is updated
12.Scope of this Policy
13.How to contact us

1.How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
Special Notice:
1.To provide you with the basic functions of our products and services, you need to authorize us to collect and use the necessary information. If you refuse to provide such necessary information, you will not be able to use our products and services normally.
2.To provide you with additional features of our products and services, you can choose to authorize us to collect and use additional information beyond what is needed for basic functions. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to use the related additional features or achieve the intended functionality, but it will not affect your use of the basic functions of our products and services.
3.If certain information cannot identify your personal identity alone or in combination with other information, it does not constitute your personal information in a legal sense. When the information we possess can objectively identify your personal identity in combination with other information, it will be treated and protected as your personal information according to this policy, even if we do not intend or cannot ultimately identify your personal identity through the information.
4.The functions and services we provide are constantly updated and developed. If a specific function or service is not described in the following sections and it collects your information, we will inform you of the content, scope, and purpose of the information collection through page prompts, interaction processes, website announcements, etc.
5.The information you provide may include your sensitive personal information. Sensitive personal information is information that, if leaked or illegally used, can easily lead to infringement of a natural person's dignity or harm to personal or property safety. This includes biometric information (such as facial recognition, fingerprint information, iris information), religious beliefs, specific identities, medical health information (such as heart rate information, disease information, medical records), financial accounts (such as bank account numbers, transaction passwords), travel trajectories, and information about minors under the age of fourteen. Please be cautious and pay attention to your sensitive personal information. You agree that we may process your sensitive personal information for the purposes and in the manner described in this policy.
6.We highly value your data subject rights and provide convenient functions to allow you to easily withdraw authorized information, change or modify related information.
1.1 Principles of Collecting and Using Personal Information
When collecting and using your personal information, we adhere to the principles of accountability, clear purpose, choice and consent, minimum necessity, ensuring security, subject participation, and transparency.
1.2 Purposes of Collecting and Using Personal Information
To comply with relevant laws and regulations, provide services to you, ensure the security of your account and system operation, and optimize our service experience, we collect information that you actively provide, authorize us to provide, or provide based on your request when you register or use our products and services. We also collect information generated from your use of Future Securities products and services for the following purposes and in the following ways:
1.2.1 Registration, Login, and Authentication
When you register or log in to Future Securities products or services, you can create an account using your mobile phone number (we send a verification code to your mobile device via SMS). You can also complete network identity information (such as avatar, nickname, password). Collecting this information helps you complete account registration. You can also choose to provide an email address, gender, birthday, region, and personal profile.
If you use facial recognition to unlock or log in to your Future Securities account, we will request permission for facial recognition to verify your identity. If you refuse, you will not be able to use related services, but it will not affect other functions and services.
If you choose to log in to your Future Securities account using a verification code, we will request permission to use your device's SMS function. Sending an SMS may incur charges from your mobile network operator, which we do not charge. If you refuse, you will not be able to use the verification code login function, but you can choose other login methods.
1.2.2 Account Management
When resetting the mobile number bound to your Future Securities account, we will assess the security level of your account and verify your identity if necessary. If you choose facial recognition for verification, Future Securities will request permission to use the device's camera and collect your facial information, but we will not store your facial information. If you choose to upload an identification document, Future Securities will request permission to use the device's camera and collect your document information. The collected personal information is only used for identity verification. If you do not agree, you will not be able to use the related function to reset your mobile number, but it will not affect your use of other Future Securities services.
When you use services such as retrieving or modifying passwords, unbinding, and account cancellation, we need to verify your personal information, including identity information, device information, security status, and account information, to protect your account security.
1.2.3 Browsing and Searching Market Information
When you use Future Securities' market alert or major event reminder function, we will request permission to use your device's calendar to ensure you receive relevant information in time. If you refuse, you will not be able to use the reminder function, but it will not affect your use of other Future Securities services.
When you browse and search market information on Future Securities, we collect information generated during your visit and use, including clicks, browsing, searches, queries, and shares.
To ensure you can normally receive and use market-related benefits and services, we will use your provided IP address for region or account validity identification. If you do not agree, it may affect the judgment of region or account validity, thereby affecting your receipt and use of market-related benefits and services.
We provide free basic market services to meet trading needs. If you require more professional market services, you may be required to provide additional personal information per the compliance requirements of the professional market service provider, such as name, contact number, residential address and postal code, email address, occupation, job title, or workplace address. We remind you to carefully provide such information, and we will obtain your separate consent before assisting in providing such professional market services.
1.2.4 Account Opening and Financial Management
When you access brokerage account opening functions through your Future Securities account, we will request permission to use the device's camera and microphone. If you refuse, the account opening process will not be completed.
1.2.5 Customer Service
If you contact our customer service, we may need you to provide necessary personal information for identity verification to ensure your account security. With your authorization, customer service may query or verify your related information within the scope of your authorization. We will take technical and management measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information and use it within the necessary scope. We may also save your contact information, communication records, and content with us, as well as other necessary information to provide and record customer service.
1.2.6 Security Operation
To ensure you can use our services normally, secure your account, and identify abnormal account statuses, we will collect log information generated during your use of our services and associate this information.

2.How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies
2.1 Cookies
To provide you with a more convenient access experience, we may collect and store data related to your visits to Future Securities services using various technologies when you use Future Securities products or services. This allows us to recognize your identity when you visit or revisit Future Securities services and provide you with better and more services through data analysis. This includes using small data files to identify your identity, which helps us understand your usage habits, save you from repeatedly entering account information, or help determine the security of your account. These data files may be Cookies, Flash Cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively referred to as "Cookies"). We will not use Cookies for any purposes other than those described in this policy. You can manage or delete Cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all Cookies saved on your computer, and most web browsers have a feature to block Cookies. However, if you do this, you may not be able to use some features of Future Securities services that rely on Cookies, and you will need to manually change user settings each time you visit our website.
2.2 Web Beacons and Pixel Tags
In addition to Cookies, we may also use other similar technologies such as Web Beacons and Pixel Tags on our website. For example, the emails we send you may contain a clickable URL linking to our website content. If you click on the link, we can track this click to help us understand your product or service preferences and improve customer service. Web Beacons are typically transparent images embedded in websites or emails. With the help of Pixel Tags in emails, we can know whether the email has been opened.
2.3 Do Not Track
Many web browsers have a Do Not Track feature that can send a Do Not Track request to websites. Currently, major internet standard organizations have not established relevant policies to specify how websites should respond to such requests. However, if your browser has Do Not Track enabled, we will respect your choice.

>3.How We Share, Transfer, and Disclose Your Personal Information 3.1 Sharing
Unless otherwise specified below or you agree to share your personal information with third parties, we will not transfer your personal information to third parties. If a third party undergoes a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale, or for legal or other reasons, we will transfer your information to such entities to continue providing you with services. In such cases, we will always require the relevant third parties to adhere to this privacy policy.
We share your information with selected third parties only when reasonably necessary, including:
3.1.1 Service Providers
To achieve the purposes stated in this policy, some of our services will be provided by service providers, which may include website hosting, data analysis, payment facilitation, IT and related infrastructure provision, customer service, email delivery, targeted advertising identification and delivery, mailing services, and other service provider services. We will share your personal information only for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes and only the personal information necessary to provide services. Our service providers must provide the same or equivalent user data protection as described in this privacy policy and are prohibited from retaining, using, or disclosing your personal information for any purpose other than providing services to us.
3.1.2 Advertising Partners
We may share reports on trends and advertising effectiveness with advertising partners to help them better understand their audience. We will not share your personally identifiable information, such as your name or email address, unless you permit us to do so.
3.1.3 Government, Public Sector, Regulatory, Judicial, and Law Enforcement Agencies or Authorities
In certain circumstances, we are legally required to disclose your information, including:
1.Complying with legal obligations or requirements, such as court orders, subpoenas, or other legal processes;
2.Enforcing our terms;
3.Addressing security or fraud issues; or
4.Responding to emergencies involving death, serious physical injury, or any risk to children; provided that the entity requesting the information has valid jurisdiction to obtain your personal information.
3.2 Transfer
We will not voluntarily transfer your personal information to third parties except in the following circumstances:
1.You have given your explicit consent in advance;
2.In the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation involving the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization again;
3.Other circumstances where we are required to transfer your personal information according to laws and regulations or the requests of competent authorities.
3.3 Public Disclosure
We will publicly disclose your personal information only in the following situations:
1.With your explicit consent;
2.According to applicable laws and regulations or to comply with court judgments, rulings, or other legal processes, or to comply with lawful mandatory requirements of government authorities (including other legally authorized organizations);
3.For the execution of relevant service agreements or this policy, for the protection of public interest, or for the protection of the personal and property safety or other legal rights and interests of our customers, us, our affiliates, other users, or employees.
3.4 Exceptions to Prior Authorization and Consent for Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of Personal Information
1.Related to national security and defense security;
2.Related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests;
3.Related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials, and judgments;
4.For the protection of your or others' life, property, and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
5.Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
6.Personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;
7.Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.
Please note that according to the law, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing anonymized personal information that ensures the data recipient cannot re-identify the personal information subject does not constitute sharing, transferring, and public disclosure of personal information. Such data storage and processing do not require further notice to you and your consent.

4.How We Protect Your Personal Information
We take various precautions to protect your personal information from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. To ensure the security of your personal information, we have strict information security policies and procedures, and a dedicated information security team that rigorously enforces these measures within the company.
We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will retain your personal information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless an extended retention period is required or permitted by law. If your personal information exceeds the aforementioned storage period, we will delete it or anonymize it within a reasonable period, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.
The internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and email, instant messaging, and other forms of communication with other Future Securities users are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through these means.
We will establish emergency response plans to prevent the expansion of security incidents, such as personal information leaks. In the event of such an incident, we will initiate an emergency response plan and inform you promptly via email, letter, phone, push notification, or other means. If it is difficult to notify each individual, we will take reasonable and effective measures to issue a public announcement. The internet is not 100% secure, and while we have these security measures, please be aware that there are no "perfect security measures" on the internet. We will do our best to ensure the security of your information.
You can protect your account on Future Securities by not disclosing your login password or account information to anyone (unless the person is officially authorized by you). We recommend not using Future Securities products and services on devices or operating systems modified outside the supplier’s authorized or warranty scope (e.g., "jailbroken" mobile devices). Using Future Securities on such devices or operating systems may pose a risk of personal information leakage.
We are not responsible for security breaches resulting from your failure to keep your personal information private, which could lead to third-party access to your personal information. Despite the above provisions, if any unauthorized use of your account by other internet users or any other security breaches occur, you should notify us immediately. Your assistance will help us protect the confidentiality of your personal information.

5.How We Store Information
5.1 Storage Location
As a licensed institution in Hong Kong, and in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, and requirements of the corresponding regulatory bodies, your personal information will be stored at locations approved and recorded by the relevant Hong Kong regulatory authorities. We will strictly maintain the confidentiality of this information as required by law. We will also comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In certain situations where it is necessary to transfer personal information collected domestically to overseas institutions, we will follow the regulations set forth by laws, administrative regulations, and relevant regulatory authorities. This includes taking effective measures such as signing agreements and conducting on-site inspections to ensure that overseas institutions maintain the confidentiality of the personal information they receive.
5.2 Retention Period
Generally, we retain your personal information only for the shortest period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy policy, unless you have agreed to an extended retention period or it is otherwise permitted by law. In the following circumstances, we may need to adjust the storage duration of personal information to comply with legal requirements:
1.To comply with applicable laws and regulations;
2.To comply with court judgments, rulings, or other legal procedures;
3.To comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or legally authorized organizations;
4.For purposes that are reasonably necessary to enforce relevant service agreements or this policy, maintain social public interests, and protect the personal and property safety or other legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users, or employees.

6.Your Rights to Manage Your Information
While using Future Securities, we provide convenient options for you to access, correct, and delete your personal information. We also ensure that you can withdraw your consent to the use of personal information and delete your account. We offer specific operational settings in our product design, which you can follow based on the guidelines below. Additionally, we have set up channels for complaints, reports, and feedback, ensuring your opinions are promptly addressed. Please note that the operational settings may differ across different operating systems and versions of the Future Securities software. To enhance your experience, we might also adjust these settings, so the following guidelines are for reference only.
6.1 Accessing Personal Information
6.1.1 Accessing Profile Picture, Nickname, QR Code, Gender, and Personal Introduction:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Personal Information".
4.Access the information for inquiry.
6.1.2 Accessing Phone Number, Email, Login Device Management, Login History, and Login Password:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Account and Security".
4.Access the information for inquiry.
6.2 Correcting Personal Information
6.2.1 Changing Profile Picture, Nickname, etc.:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Personal Information".
4.Make the necessary corrections.
6.2.2 Changing Phone Number, Email, Login Password:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Account and Security".
4.Make the necessary corrections.
6.3 Managing Camera, Album, Microphone, and Calendar System Permissions
6.3.1 Permission Use Scenarios:
1.Camera: Taking photos, face recognition.
2.Microphone: Live streaming services.
3.Album: Changing profile picture, etc.
4.Calendar: Reminders for important dates.
6.3.2 Withdrawing Consent:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Privacy".
4.Click "System Permission Management".
5.Click to revoke the authorization you wish to cancel.
6.4 Deleting Account
6.4.1 Deleting Future Securities Platform Account:
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Settings".
3.Click "Account and Security".
4.Click "Delete Account".
5.Contact Future Securities online customer service to delete your account.
6.5 Submitting Feature Suggestions
1.Open Future Securities and click "My".
2.Click "Feature Suggestions" and fill in the relevant suggestions and/or upload related images.
3.Click the top-right "Continue" and choose the category of the issue.
4.Click "Submit" to complete the process.

7.How We Protect Minors' Information
We place great importance on protecting the personal information of minors. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain prior consent from your parent or legal guardian before using our services. You should have your parent or guardian carefully read this policy and agree to it before submitting your personal information. We also suggest using our services under the guidance of your parent or guardian. If you do not obtain consent, please immediately cease submitting information or using our services and notify us promptly so we can take effective measures. We will only use or disclose minors' information as permitted by laws and regulations, with explicit consent from parents or guardians, or as necessary to protect the rights and interests of minors. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor and have questions about the minor's personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided in Section 13 of this policy.

8.How Your Personal Information is Transferred Globally
With your authorized consent, your personal information may be transferred to or accessed from the country/region where you use our products or services. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. In such cases, we will ensure that your personal information receives adequate protection equivalent to that in Hong Kong and complies with all applicable regional laws and regulations (such as those in Mainland China). For example, we will seek your separate consent for cross-border transfer of personal information or implement security measures such as data anonymization before cross-border data transfers.

9.Information We May Send You
9.1 When using our services, we may send you emails, text messages, information, or push notifications. You can opt-out of these communications on your device by following our prompts.
9.2 We may send you service-related announcements when necessary (e.g., when a service is suspended for system maintenance). You may not be able to opt out of these service-related, non-advertising announcements.

10.Information You Share
You can share your information with friends, family, and other users through our services. You can control the scope of information you share through privacy settings in our services and delete publicly shared information through the settings or guidelines we provide. However, please be aware that such information may still be independently saved by other users or third parties beyond our control.

11.How This Policy is Updated
We will update this policy in a timely manner as required by relevant laws and regulations, business changes, or other necessary circumstances. We will not reduce your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. We will post changes to this policy on this page and notify you of the updated policy through our official website or other suitable means. If you continue to use our services after such updates, it indicates that you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

12.Scope of This Policy
12.1 Unless we specify that a separate privacy policy or terms apply to certain services, this policy applies to all services provided by Future Securities. However, some services may have specific privacy guidelines/statements as needed. In case of any inconsistency between this policy and the privacy guidelines/statements for specific services, the latter shall prevail.
12.2 The titles of all clauses in this policy are for reading convenience only and do not have actual meaning. They cannot be used as a basis for interpreting the meaning of this policy.

13.How to Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this policy or data processing, you can contact us by phone or email. Our contact details are as follows:
Customer Service Phone: (Hong Kong) 852-3678 2920
Email: cs@xxex.com
In general, we will respond to your queries within no more than fifteen working days after receiving your contact information.